IV International Festival of Photography in Vitebsk (Belarus)
26-30 June 2019
Participants of the 1st Festival of Photography "FOTOKROK" in Vitebsk. Art Space of the THE CENTER OF MODERN ART, June 26, 2016. Photo: RUSS PRESS PHOTOS
5 days

The program of the Photo Tour will take place on June 26-30, 2019, in the Days of the City of Vitebsk.
2 competitions

Two festival competitions - preliminary - the main program and blitz.
10 classes

In the program of the festival master classes, lectures and portfolio-review of photographs.
12 exhibitions

National exhibitions of photo artists of Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Ukraine are presented.
MARCH 15 - JUNE 15, 2018
Festival Competition
The rules of the photo contest
These rules determine the purpose of the thematic photo contest (Contest), the conditions for participation of participants, the order of its holding and determining the winners.

The purpose and objectives of the competition.
Name-Open photo contest " ORIGINS "within the festival of photography" photo LESSON". Sigismund Yurkovsky in Vitebsk.
The contest has an international status, participation in the Contest is voluntary and equal basis, everyone can take part in it. The contest is open, the geography of participants is not limited.
The contest was established to create a professional platform for assessing photographic creativity in the Republic of Belarus. The contest, as well as the festival as a whole glorifies the famous name of Vitebsk photographer of the 19th century Sigismund Yurkovsky.
At the end of the contest the best photos and works of the winners will form an exhibition, which will be exhibited during the next year in the cities of Belarus and Russia.

The organizer of competition – Fund of photography "Fotokrok", Vitebsk
The Organizer's duties include:
- Organization and holding of the Competition;
- Preparation and distribution of information messages about the Contest;
- Determination of the terms and venue of the Competition;
- Organization of the jury;
- Summing up, preparation of prizes and awarding of winners;
- Organization and holding of the final exhibition of photos of the winners and the best works of the contest;
- Solving controversial issues.

Condition of participation.
The competition is open. Anyone can participate in the contest with his works, except the organizers of the contest and members of the professional jury. Authors from any country without restrictions are allowed to participate in the contest.
The author of the photographic material may be one or more photographers who have submitted works for the competition on their own behalf. In case of controversial issues, the contest organizers ask for proof of authorship.
The organizers of the contest reserve the right to exclude all works of the author from the competition or prize in the event that there will be revealed violations of copyright.
The decision to exclude the works is made by the organizing Committee. The decision is not subject to appeal.

The official languages of the contest are Belarusian, Russian and English.
Participation in the competition is free.
The Competition accepts only those works that fit the theme and requirements contained in these Rules.
The works sent to the Contest will not be returned, reviewed and stored by the Organizer. By submitting photographs to the Contest, the authors agree to these Rules and transfer to the Organizer non-exclusive copyrights to use the photos for purposes related to the Contest without payment of any remuneration.

The works of the Contestants can be used for:
- Publications in any printed and electronic materials of the Organizer;
- Public display (photo exhibition).
The submitted photographs must be taken by the author himself and cannot be borrowed from external sources.
Each participant can submit no more than 10 different photos to the category of single photos and up to 3 series to the category of series. There are no restrictions on the time frame creation.
Photos should have names and can be accompanied by comments of authors.

Terms and procedure of the Competition.
Acceptance of works takes place from March 15 to June 10, 2018.
All works sent by the participants are submitted for evaluation to the professional jury.
The jury has the right to transfer photos to another category without the consent of the author.
Summing up the results of the Contest takes place on June 10-15, 2018.
Announcement of winners is held at the opening of the final exhibition on 21 June 2018 in the framework of the festival of photography "Photochrom" in Vitebsk.
The ceremony of awarding the winners of the contest will be held on 24 June 2018 at the festival's closing
photos "Photochrom" in Vitebsk.
All winners are notified in advance by e-mail and receive detailed instructions on how to receive prizes.
Terms of the Competition stages can be changed by the Organizer's decision.
All relevant information about the Contest, the exact date, time, etc. is placed on the official page of the Contest on the Internet:

Theme and concept of the contest.
We encourage Amateur photographers and professionals to become participants in the festival competition "ORIGINS" and send pictures, embodying the concept of "My small homeland".

Requirements for work.
Before submitting works for the competition, the author must register on the festival website "Photochrom" by filling in an online form. The Surname / First Name / phone Number / e-mail Address / City from where you are from is filled in. REGISTRATION>>>
Only pre-registered authors can participate in the contest.
Each participant can submit no more than 10 different photos to the category of single photos and up to 3 series to the category of series.
Accepted series consisting of a minimum of three and a maximum of twelve photos
One photo cannot be represented in more than one category.
Photographs for the Contest must be submitted in the form of files by e-mail to the address or digitally to the Organizing Committee.

Works are accepted in the following categories:
«CRADLE. Single photos»;
«CRADLE. Series.»

Photos must be in JPEG format, sized at least 1 MB, at least 1500h1000 pixels. Preferably saving the EXIF of the file – metadata of the digital picture;
The photo must not contain any inscriptions, frames and logos;
Photos are accepted with minimal editorial processing (framing, density / exposure, contrast, can be translated into b/W);

The name of the file should be in Russian/English with a sequential indication of the category, Full name of the Author and title of the work.
Example for a single photo: Histochem A. I. Moya village.jpg
Example for series: ORIGINS.Seriano A. I. Moya деревня_01/02/03... .jpg
Photos with description of the place, date and time of shooting, author's comment are welcome.
The photo may not be accepted for participation in the Competition if::
- Work does not meet the specified requirements of these Rules;
- The work contains calls for violence, racial and national or religious intolerance, elements of eroticism;
- Works sent after the deadline set by the Organizer.

Evaluation criterion.
- Thematic hit photographs;
- Technical image quality (exposure, sharpness, clarity, color);
- Availability of techniques of photography (optics, meaningful grease, wiring);
- Artistic expressiveness of photography (original composition, the presence of the plot, semantic contrast, the use of visual AIDS, etc.));
- General impression (expert opinion of the professional jury).

Summing up the results of the Contest.
The best pictures will be included in the festival exhibition, the winners will be awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts from the Festival "Photochrom".
Selection of contest works is made by the jury of professional photographers, curators and critics of photography:
Vasily Prudnikov is a photographer, lecturer, Director of photography "Photochrom;
- Vladimir Vyatkin, photographer MIA "Russia today", Professor of photography, photojournalism Journalism of Moscow state University, IBLF.
- Irina chmyreva-candidate of art criticism, world-class photography critic, curator of photo exhibitions and photography festival "PHOTOVISA".
- Andrei Dukhovnikov - Director of the Vitebsk center for contemporary art.
The jury may be replaced.

In each category, the best recognized works that received the highest number of votes of the jury. The result of the examination shall be fixed by each member of the jury by filling in the evaluation sheet. The final decision is made in the form of a Protocol, which defines the Winners.
The organizing Committee and the jury have the right to establish special prizes.
The jury has the right not to award separate prizes or to divide one prize place (except Grand Prix) between several participants.

Prize fund.
As prizes among the participants of the contest are drawn:
The main Prize-Grand Prix of the photo contest.
  • The prize and Diploma for 1 / 2 / 3 place of the competition in the category of single images.
  • The prize and Diploma for 1 / 2 / 3 place of the competition in the category series.
The established prizes of the prize Fund of the Contest are not exchanged and cannot be replaced by a cash equivalent.

Other provision.
The fact of participation in the Competition means that the Participant gives his / her consent to the processing of his / her personal data , namely the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, recording and storage of electronic media, clarification, updating, modification, use, distribution (including transfer to a certain circle of persons, acquaintance to an unlimited circle of persons, disclosure and cross-border transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction and other ways of processing personal data, solely for the purposes of the Competition in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

In case of violation by the person of any of provisions of these Rules, as well as establishment of the fact of unfair (including, but not exclusively, placement by the person of unreliable information, placement by the person of indecent and/or ambiguous from the point of view of morality and morality) and / or rough and unworthy behavior of the person (including, but not exclusively, the Organizer has the right not to allow such a person to participate in the Contest and/or to remove the person at any stage of the Contest from further participation in the Contest and/or deprive the person of the prize of the prize Fund of the Contest with the simultaneous removal of the photo posted by the person. In this case, The organizer has the right to dispose of the prize at its discretion.
The fact of participation in this Contest implies that its Participants are familiar with and agree with these Rules and the terms of the user agreement.
In all that is not provided by these Rules, The organizer and participants of the Contest are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


Contact details of the Organizer

HELP in Vitebsk:
The administrator of the festival – Denis Sladkevich +375 25 752-01-31
Director of the photography Fund "Fotokrok" – Vasily Prudnikov +375 29 558-77-96
HELP in Moscow:
Partner of the festival is a Cultural project RUSS PRESS PHOTO
Tel: +7 915 258-71-25

©2017 Vitebsk local photography Fund " Fotokrok»
2018 in the Republic of Belarus is declared the Year of the Small Motherland
We call photographers - amateur photographers
and professionals become participants of the "ORIGINS" festival competition
and send pictures, embodying the concept of "My Small Homeland".

Small homeland plays a crucial role in the fate of every person.
For someone it is the land or the city in which he grew up, part of the land that is connected with his friends, with the street on which as a child he played hide and seek with them, species of native wildlife, but which is best for you all the world scenery. It also happens that a person leaves his native land in search of a better life, but this does not mean that he forgets about his origins.

Origins, this is the land where a person feels part of it, where his thoughts and memories return, about which he yearns – all this is his own side. The fact is that the first" Institute " for the knowledge of the homeland is the direct environment of a person. Tell pictures about it. What surrounds you and what is dear to you forever.
Towards the sun. Photo: Anatoly Tsymbalyuk
the village Mordvinova, kalyazinskiy rayon, Tverskaya oblast, Russia 2014

International photo festival "FOTOKROK" named of Sigismund Yurkovsky was created as a platform for Amateur photographers, where it is possible to exchange creative and professional experience.

Organizer of the photofest-Vitebsk photography Fund "FOTOKROK" with the support of the Department of culture of Vitebsk city Executive Committee.
Эмблема Витебского Фонда фотографии "ФотоКрок".
For the purpose of photofest – to unite national and foreign Amateur photographers in the most creative place of the Republic of Belarus –
the city of Vitebsk.

To attract creative people in the field of photography and thereby promote Vitebsk with the help of their creativity at the national and world level.
The objectives of the photofest-to show the audience a high level of photographic culture through the organization of a number of high-class photographic exhibitions as classics of photography, and the best works of contemporary Amateur photographers on a competitive basis.

To conduct educational workshops, lectures, sessions, portfolio review to enhance photography among Amateurs.

To create a place for continuity of Amateurs and professionals, a platform for reflecting the diversity of the surrounding reality with the help of photography.
The location of the Republic of Belarus is unique, it borders with 5 countries, participants of which determine the international status of the festival, which invites fans and professionals of photography of Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and of course Belarus to participate in the competition and the festival.
Vitebsk is already known to the world as the city where they were born, lived
and they created world-class masters in various fields of culture, art and science. This Is Yuri Pen, Marc Chagall, Kazimir Malevich. ,
El Lissitzky, Ilya Repin, Mark Fradkin etc.
There is another outstanding personality, who glorified the city. Sigismund Yurkovsky is a photographer, designer, who made the invention (storm – slot gate), which is still used by the entire world photographic community. His name is included in the global and domestic books & reference on photography. Now Vitebsk has another point of attraction - a photo.
Vasily Prudnikov
Director Of The Festival "Fotokrok"
20-24 JUNE 2018
Exhibitions Fotokrok-2018
contest photo
ORIGINS. My small Motherland
Exhibition of winners of the festival photo contest " ORIGINS. My small Motherland."
2018 in the Republic of Belarus is declared the year of the small Motherland.
Small Motherland plays a crucial role in the fate of every person.
For some, it is the region or city in which he grew up, a part of the land that is connected with his friends, with the street on which he played hide and seek with them in childhood, native species of wildlife, but which for you is better than all the world's landscapes. It also happens that a person leaves his native land in search of a better life, but this does not mean that he forgets about his origins.

The best portfolio of Vitebsk photographers in the special project "VITEBSK WALL".
During the festival of photography "Fotokrok" them. Sigismund Yurkovsky held a competition for the best portfolio for photographers in Vitebsk and the region. The purpose of which is to select the most interesting authors working in photography, search for interesting works in the form of thematic series or photo stories. According to the results of the selection, the best collections are presented in the festival program as personal exhibitions along with the classics of photo art. >>>
Fotokrok tour over Vitebsk
The final exhibition of participants of the 2nd festival Fotokrok-2017.
At the exhibition, a photo report of the participants of the photo festival "Fotokrok" 2017, the city, its residents, whom they captured during the festival. Photographers used the city of Vitebsk as an invoice for the creation of their creative works. The subjects selected for the exhibition are filled first of all with not just views, but images of the city, beauty and emotions of citizens. >>>
historical photo
To the 185th anniversary of the oldest Vitebsk photographer.
At the end of the 19th century in Vitebsk lived and worked photographer and designer Sigismund Yurkovsky. He went down in the history of photography as the inventor of the instant (blind-slit) shutter, as well as the author of patents in the field of stereoscopy, photographic forensic examination.
The exhibition will feature a collection of original author's prints and stereo pairs of S. Yurkovsky from the collection of the Vitebsk Regional Museum. >>>
El Lissitzky
Exclusive exhibition of one photo. "RUNNER IN the CITY," El Lissitzky, 1926
From the collection of RUSS PRESS PHOTO – editorial archive of the journal "Soviet photo". Symbolic show of the exhibition will take place directly in VNHU, where he worked as El Lissitzky in 1919-1921 years at the invitation of Marc Chagall. Along the way, you will see the place of creation of legendary artists-Marc Chagall, Kazimir Malevich, El Lissitzky, Vera Egorova, Dobuzhinsky, etc.
Medalie family photo . XIX century, Vitebsk
Historical exhibition based on the family archive of Medale.
The exhibition is dedicated to the family of Shmaryahu-Leib Medalie (1872 -1938), spiritual Rabbi of Vitebsk, chief Rabbi of Moscow and the Soviet Union (1933 – 1938).
This exhibition is the first exhibition of the Museum of photography opening during the festival. S. Yurkovsky in the city of Vitebsk. Selection of exhibition is not accidental - the family of a Rabbi was a friend of the family Yurkovsky in the period of living together in Vitebsk in the end of XIX century. The collection will be presented for the first time a photo of a member of the family Medalie performed by Sigismund Yurkovsky. >>>

art photography
Musical-visual poetry evening on communication arts. Natalia Chernyakova (Moscow).
Journalist and photographer, music teacher and poet, Natalia Chernyakova will present the author's program of Sketches in literature, music and visual arts – painting and photography.
Will sound like instructive sketches (sketches, sketches), and full works of art by Schumann, Liszt, Chopin..etc. in a live performance, as well as author's sketches in photography.
Leonid Tugalev (Riga)
An exhibition of classic photographs of the Baltic. Leonid Tugalev is one of the best photographers of Latvian photography, a native of Vitebsk, but for more than 70 years of life will come to his hometown for the second time. His work-a classic black and white photography, characterized by the presence of man.
Each work of Tugalev is filled with special expression. The remarkable quality of his pictures is that the plane of each of them connects our world with another space, the surreal inhabitants of which catch the eyes of the viewer. This effect is achieved by purely photographic methods.
This exhibition will feature his famous portraits and works of recent years. >>>
Alexander Glebov Vitebsk). Exhibition of the famous Vitebsk photo artist, prematurely deceased.
His home was a place of work, a place of work a home, and a photography lifestyle.
In his home Studio, he took tens of thousands of slides with models. Alexander Glebov had no professional education, but his works were truly professional, his name was well known not only in the creative circles of Vitebsk, but also the Republic. Vitebsk, many photographers find it to your teacher. He worked in the genres of "Nude", "art portrait", photographed city scenes, engaged in advertising photography.
documentary photography
A retrospective look at the history of the country. Vladimir Vyatkin (Moscow).
Photo story of the leading Russian photojournalist MIA "Russia today" is shown for the first time.
The author's photographs of the metamorphosis of social, cultural and political life of the USSR and Russia.
A hundred years after the revolution of October 1917, the world is still burning controversy around her, especially around what she brought to Russia and the world. Has Russia, and with it the whole world, moved forward because of this revolution or has it rolled back?
Vladimir Vyatkin: "100 years later Historians will try to look at the revolution without unnecessary emotions, taking into account the accumulated experience and the results of many years of scientific research."
Visual anthropology of modernity based on Anton Chekhov's book "Sakhalin Island". Oleg Klimov (Kaliningrad).
The exhibition accumulates modern photographs, stories and opinions of the islanders, collected by documentary photographer Oleg Klimov for several years on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.
In a sense, the "ISLANDS of the SUBCONSCIOUS" is a continuation of Anton Chekhov's social research, the visual embodiment of which did not take place 120 years ago. Therefore, many photos are accompanied by quotations from the book" Sakhalin Island", confirming the continuity of the history of the place and self-determination of the person in it over time. >>>
Genre photo of Mikhail Maslennikov (Moscow-Odessa).
An ordinary photographer charges a black and white film into his mechanical camera and goes far, far away, as far as possible. There, waiting for his ordinary life very simple within the time and extremely unsophisticated in the plainness of their stories. Common people, common surroundings, the ordinary relationship...
The main directions of shooting Maslenikov: single expedition in remote places, visiting and working with the inhabitants of the existing monasteries, monasteries, caretakers of ancient temples, churchyards, studying the way of life of modern hermits, hermits, live communication and contact with the inhabitants of the hinterland.
The founder of the creative Union "leg" (professional Association of documentary photographers). >>>
20-24 JUNE 2018
Masters of Fotokrok-2018
  • Vladimir Vyatkin (Moscow)
    "Photojournalist of MIA " Russia Today"
    Vladimir Vyatkin is a famous Russian photojournalist. Since 1985 - "international Master of Photojournalism". Excellent knowledge of stylistic techniques and the ability to see allow him to shoot like no other and is considered to be the most creative photographer. six-time winner of the world Press Photo professional competition.
  • Рига)Leonid Tugalev (Riga)
    Leonid Tugalev is one of the best photographers of Latvian photography, his work is a classic black and white photography, characterized by the presence of man.
    Each work of Tugalev is filled with special expression. The remarkable quality of his pictures is that the plane of each of them connects our world with another space, the surreal inhabitants of which catch the eyes of the viewer. This effect is achieved by purely photographic methods.
  • Evgeny Berezner (Moscow)
    Curator in the field of photography in Russia and abroad. Curated over 250 exhibitions. Chairman of the jury of the international competition for the Best Photography Book of Eastern and Central Europe, held in Bratislava, Slovakia. Reviewer at international portfolio reviews, held in Berlin, Bratislava, Buenos Aires, Houston, Krasnodar, Madrid, Moscow, Paris, Plovdiv, Porto Alegre. Curator of the New Gallery in Moscow.
  • Alexander Lyskin (Moscow)
    Photographer of the IFAW international Fund for animal protection, member of the Royal photographic society of great Britain, member of the Union of journalists of Russia. Multiple winner of the largest international photo contests for professionals: "World Press Photo", "Interpressphoto", photo contest UNESCO, prize of "Kodak".
  • Mikhail Maslennikov (Odessa)
    Documentary photographer
    The main directions of the photographer Mikhail Maslenikov-single expedition to remote places, visit, co-work with the inhabitants of the existing monasteries, monasteries, caretakers of ancient temples, churchyards, the study of the way of life of modern hermits, live communication and contact with the inhabitants of the hinterland.
    Since mid-2005, he began to shoot field reports and seriously thought about the photographic process as an image of a special transmission of the author's thoughts in a missionary way. Now he continues to work on private and public projects in the field of documentary photography.
  • Oleg Klimov (Kaliningrad)
    Documentary photographer
    Oleg Klimov is a well-known Russian photographer and documentary filmmaker. One of the first stringers and freelancers in the Soviet Union. He supported the establishment of the Institute of free journalism in post-Soviet Russia and initiated the creation of private photo agencies
    among photographers and photojournalists.
  • Valery Koreshkov (Vilnius)
    Photographer, publisher, poet, sportsman
    Valery Koreshkov: photographer (210 international
    exhibitions), publisher (albums at the stand "the Best books of the world" at the book fair in Frankfurt am main in 2006, 2007, 2008)," poet "– 5 volumes, called" Striptease spiritual and physical "(3500" Stishy "in the style of" haiku"), Valery Koreshkov-a lover of physical exercise on the technique of bodybuilding, who wrote a book about his 55-year experience, called " in 70 years, just the beginning "( performance in the semifinals of "STROGMAN CHAMPIONS LEAGUE" in Vilnius 07.10.2012
  • Alexander Kurbatov (Moscow)
    Photographer, historian of photography
    Alexander Kurbatov is an expert in the history of photography and photo composition. He wrote a treatise "Metaphysics of the photographic process from" A "to"I". As a true "LACNIC" preferred genre picture, was familiar with Henri Cartier Bresson.
Festival Grounds
Art Museum
The location of the exposition classics of photography. In the open area in front of the Museum - a venue for interactive photographic performances.
Railway station Vitebsk station
Thanks to the FOTOKROK, Vitebsk railway station has become a gallery and hosts a festival exhibition. Photo exhibition " FOTOKROK in VITEBSK "opens the program of the City Day it will feature the best photos of the participants of the photofest " FOTOKROK " 2017.
Art Space
The territory of the Art Space on the street. Tolstoy, 7-the most democratic festival venue and location of 4 exhibitions in the artistic and art style. There are workshops of Vitebsk artists - real creative laboratories and an ideal place for practical workshops.
In 2018, it opens the Museum of photography named S. Yurkovsky.
Regional Museum
Самая центральная площадка фестиваля - как и подобает городской Ратуше. В Краеведческом Музее хранятся оригиналы фотографий Сигизмунда Юрковского. В дни фестиваля участникам и гостям города представляется его выставка. Смотровая площадка Музея - Ратуши всегда принимает участников фотофеста сделать снимки города в самом его центре с высоты птичьего полета.
Exhibition hall VCCA
Exhibition hall of Vitebsk Center For Contemporary Art; on the Avenue Frunze is the location of the author's expositions.
Art school
Vitebsk children's Art school - the headquarters of photofest, is located in an environment of all exhibition grounds of the festival and is completely at the disposal of participants of the festival. Venue portfolio review, exhibitions and workshops.
The Cinema "Mir"
Location of the author's exhibitions.
20-24 JUNE 2018
FotoKrok Master classes
The festival program includes daily master classes with invited masters of photography. At the moment the PROGRAM is FORMED.
You will first see their work at the author's exhibitions, and then at master classes and lectures you will get acquainted with the experience, technology, author's philosophy of creating works.
Master class of photojournalist Igor Gavrilov. ""Fotokrok" in Vitebsk, 2017.

23 JUNE 2018
FotoKrok Portfolio review
The festival program includes open sessions of portfolio review of photos
with recognized masters of photography.
This place continuity professional and Amateur, expert assessment of the masters of creativity of photographers.

Open sessions of the photo portfolio review are held at the headquarters of the festival at 3 Suvorov street, Vitebsk. Children's art school (2nd floor).
20-24 JUNE 2018
Terms of participation in the FotoKrok-2018
We invite all Amateur photographers to take part in
III International festival of photography "FOTOKROK"
named. S. Yurkovsky in Vitebsk.

To plunge into the inexhaustible creative atmosphere
with a rich cultural and practical program.
The city day will saturate the festival days with its urban cultural events and make them even more festive and eventful!
Registration of the participant of competitions on this website >>> to 10.06.18.
Sending photographs to the contest of the festival
Registration of participants of the festival on this site > > > before 10.06.18.
The payment of the full program of the festival includes:
- participation in the opening and closing ceremony of the festival;
- visiting all the master classes of the festival;
- guaranteed participation in the portfolio-review of photos;
- participation in the opening of exhibitions;
- participation in the excursion program;
- festival information package;
– souvenir of the festival.
Attention! For members of the Belarusian Association of Photographers and the Fund "FOTOKROK" on all tickets - 50% discount.
2000 RUB. / 55 BYN.
The ticket includes:
- participation in the Opening and closing ceremony of the festival;
- participation in the opening of the festival exhibitions;
- festival information package.
Attention! For members of the Belarusian Association of Photographers and the Fund "FOTOKROK" on all tickets - 50% discount.
2000 RUB. / 55 BYN.
The ticket includes:
- participation in the Opening and closing ceremony of the festival;
- visit one master class of the festival;
- festival information package.
Attention! For members of the Belarusian Association of Photographers and the Fund "FOTOKROK" on all tickets - 50% discount.
500 RUB / 15 BYN.
20-24 JUNE 2018
Geography Of FotoKrok-2018
Vitebsk - the regional center of Belarus
June 23-24, 2018-days of celebration of the city Day (1044)
20-24 June 2018-FOTOKROK Festival
DISTANCE and travel TIME:
Moscow-Vitebsk - 522 km / 8 hours by car
Saint Petersburg-Vitebsk - 621 km / 9 hours by car
Smolensk-Vitebsk-136 km / 2.25 hours by car
Pskov-Vitebsk-342 km / 5 hours by car
Kaliningrad-Vitebsk - 698 km / 8.15 hours by car
Minsk-Vitebsk-289 km / 4 hours by car
Vilnius-Vitebsk-354 km / 5,49 hours by car
Riga-Vitebsk-497 km / 8,15 hours by car
Kyiv-Vitebsk-596 km / 9.14 hours by car
Warsaw-Vitebsk - 843 km / 11.23 hours by car
Registration of participant of the festival "FOTOKROK"
For our perfect interaction
All fields are mandatory!
You agree to our terms and conditions
And we have organized the best opportunity of your stay on the photo Tour.
For guests from the Moscow region - departure to Vitebsk on the Festival bus.
Accommodation in comfortable dormitory rooms has been prepared.

HELP in Vitebsk:
The administrator of the festival – Denis Sladkevich +375 25 752-01-31
Director of the photography Fund "FOTOKROK" – Vasily Prudnikov +375 29 558-77-96

HELP in Moscow:
Partner of the festival is a Cultural project RUSS PRESS PHOTO
Tel: +7 915 258-71-25
©2017 Department of ideological work, culture and youth Affairs of Vitebsk city Executive Committee
©2017 Vitebsk local photography Fund " FOTOKROK»
©2017 Cultural project "RUSS PRESS PHOTO»
Our partner:
Founder: Vitebsk local photography Fund "FOTOKROK".
Vitebsk local photography Fund " FOTOKROK";
Department of ideological work, culture and youth Affairs
The Vitebsk city Executive Committee;
Vitebsk Center For Contemporary Art;
Cultural project RUSS PRESS PHOTO; the Institute of Photography IPLF

General technical partner: Canon
Information partners: Vitebsk marketing Center;
information portal
Partners: Belarusian public Association of photographers,
Vitebsk gallery " WALL",
Designer Anna Krasner (Vitebsk)
comments powered by HyperComments
Organization of the festival in questions and answers:
Will there be any assistance in resettlement during the festival?
Yes, Katie. The participants registered on this site will be provided with comfortable places in the hostel of the festival.
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